Helen and Ryland’s Beach Wedding by Ottawa Wedding Photographer Sara

This beach wedding was a beautifully relaxed and laid-back affair, perfectly capturing the essence of a coastal celebration. The serene sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing backdrop as guests gathered to witness the union of two souls. The bride, radiant in her flowing gown, and many of the guests and family members had dance backgrounds, which set the stage for an evening filled with lively dance floor antics. From elegant waltzes to energetic hip-hop routines, the dance floor was a vibrant display of talent and joy, making the celebration truly unforgettable.

The weather, however, had its own plans. It was as unpredictable as it was dramatic. The ceremony began under a clear, beautiful, and sunny sky, casting a golden glow over the entire scene. Just as the vows were exchanged and the couple sealed their commitment with a kiss, the sky decided to add a twist. In a matter of moments, a sudden shower of rain descended upon the gathering, prompting laughter and a quick dash for cover. The rain, though unexpected, added a touch of spontaneity and fun to the day, creating memories that would be cherished forever.

As the rain clouds drifted away, they made way for a breathtaking sunset that painted the horizon with hues of orange, pink, and purple. The guests gathered once more on the beach, this time to marvel at the stunning view. The sunset served as a perfect metaphor for the day’s events – unpredictable yet beautiful, much like the journey of marriage itself. The evening continued with more dancing, laughter, and heartfelt toasts, all under the soft glow of the setting sun and twinkling fairy lights.

Photos by Ottawa Wedding Photographer Sara.

Contact Sara to book a consultation for your wedding today.

Bride getting hair and make-up done - Documentary Black and White photo by Ottawa Wedding Photographer Sara
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Bride and Groom after Ceremony at Beach by wedding photographer ottawa Sara
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Bride and Groom during Ceremony at Beach by wedding photographer ottawa Sara
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Camera used: Canon EOS 5D Mark II

Ottawa Wedding Photographer – Wedding Photographer Sara